Have you ever experienced the hair-pulling frustration of a weight loss plateau?
It's very depressing to step on the scale week after week and not see the scale move even a fraction of an inch in spite of doing everything right. Your diet has quit working and has left you short of reaching your weight loss goals. It's enough to make you want to cry, and what's even worse is the fact that there is so much conflicting information on how to overcome a weight loss plateau. Most people end up with information overload and quit trying to lose weight altogether.
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If this has ever happened to you, then I have something really exciting I'd like to share with you!Weight loss plateaus are completely normal and there is an easy way to overcome a weight loss plateau once you understand the root cause.
Your body is an extremely adaptable organism and it strives to always maintain balance. When you first start your diet and exercise routine, you shocked your body into burning more calories that you were eating, so your body adapted appropriately and met its additional energy requirements by burning body fat. This is why you lost weight.
But now, at your new lower weight, your body requires fewer calories overall to carry out your daily activities. You stop losing weight because your body has adapted to burning about as much as you are eating. Your body has adapted and regained its balance.
This is the main cause of a weight loss plateau. So, how do you overcome a weight loss plateau?
You should first take a brutally honest look at your current habits. Did you slip off your diet or exercise routine even just a little? Sometimes old habits creep back in over time. While it's not enough to make you gain weight, it may be enough to cause a weight loss plateau.
The cure is to once again get your body to a point where you are burning more calories than you consume.
You have two basic choices on how to overcome a weight loss plateau and get the scale moving again.
1. Increase your exercise.
2. Adjust your diet.
Trying to find just the right balance between diet and exercise that gets the scale moving is what causes most people such intense frustration. It's a delicate balance that, if overdone, will shock the body into starvation mode. This will cause the body to horde calories and store fat rather than nudge it gently back to a healthy fat burning mode that will allow you to reach your goal weight.
I've found a remarkable software program that can help you find that balance between diet and exercise and help you overcome a weight loss plateau and I'd like to share it with you. This software takes into account age, gender, height, weight, activity level and body fat percentage to create a truly individualized nutrition plan.
What's so great about this program is that as you lose weight you can automatically adjust your diet to meet your changing body composition and keep moving towards your goals. If you don't routinely adjust your weight loss plan, then you won't continue to lose weight This is the critical area where most popular diets fail.
With our busy lives and jam packed schedules juggling work and family, trying to count every single calorie, carbohydrate gram or protein gram just isn't realistic. This software application tells you precisely what you should eat at each and every meal of the day. You don't have to do the confusing calculations or count the calories, the software does it for you.
No more guessing at how much you should eat and no more weight loss plateaus because you can alter your meals as often as necessary to match your changing body composition. It's just like having a personal trainer or nutritionist at your beck and call...only much, much cheaper!
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