Weight gain and obesity is an increasing issue today. The standard Western diet includes too much fat, oils, and sugar. People no longer eat enough fruits, vegetables and raw nuts and seeds. And people are looking for answers that are quick, painless and easy. Weight loss surgery fits that category to a T.
Weight loss surgery is not meant for those people who are just slightly overweight but only for those who are obese. Clients who have faced obesity for years, tried medications and diet plans may find that weight loss surgery is an alternative solution.
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There are several different types of weight loss surgery. Your surgeon is your best resource as to the type of surgery that may work best for your body type, weight loss and lifestyle. Be sure to ask you doctor all of your questions and make him aware of all of your doubts. Once the weight loss surgery is completed there is follow up processes that must be followed to have a successful outcome. If your doctor knows your doubts and concerns he can make a better choice of weight loss surgery for you.
Before you undergo any surgery you are required to sign an informed consent form that says you understand the surgery, the consequences and the possible side effects and risks of the surgical procedure. Although the success rate for most weight loss surgery is high there are risks and complications that you should discuss with your doctor.
Some possible weight loss surgery include liposuction, bariatric surgery, vertical banded gastroplasty, laproscopic gastric banding, Roux-en Y gastric bypass, and biliopancreatic diversion which all have their own list of possible complications and post surgical care.
There are certain considerations for a client to be considered for any weight loss surgery. If you don't meet these criteria then it may increase your risks and problems compared to the possible improvements.
Clients should be morbidly obese. That means that a client should be at least 100 pounds over the ideal body weight. Weight loss surgery should not be considered for people who have less than 100 pounds to lose. There also might be medical problems that are associated with obesity such as diabetes, swelling or pain that will not disqualify a client but rather improve their qualifications for a weight loss surgery.
Clients should have been fighting the obesity for five or more years with a body mass index of 40 or greater. You should be able to demonstrate to your doctor that you have not been able to lose weight by other more conventional methods. Your doctor may ask that you make another attempt to lose weight using other methods for six months while keeping a calendar or diary to record your efforts.
Clients will want to check with their insurance company for coverage since most companies do not cover weight loss surgery. With this knowledge the client can negotiate a preset rate with the hospital and doctor before the weight loss surgery to keep the client cost down.
Prior to the weight loss surgery the doctor will be very clear about the risks and complications that can happen. They may also ask you to undergo a quick examination by a psychiatrist to be certain that you are mentally stable to withstand the stressors and make the changes necessary to your lifestyle and behavior following the surgery.
Weight loss surgery is an option for people who are morbidly obese, have been for more than five years and have had little to no success using other methods to lose weight. Although the success rate can be high the client must also be prepared to make the necessary lifestyle and nutrition habit changes to lose weight.
The weight loss happens the same way it does with any other program You eat less than you burn. With the weight loss surgery you have the added advantage of decreased hunger pangs and feeling full faster. It does not, however, remove food cravings or your relationship with food. Those issues must be addressed to make this program work.
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